Complete Listing of Full Color Reproductions in this Collection
See Price List for those prints that are still available
In this American Locomotive Series of Watercolors by Howard Fogg, the trains were painted in the colors of the Railroad that had ordered the locomotives. The originals were presented to Railroad officials and prints were produced for educational purposes. These prints were distributed throughout the world in the late 1940's, 50's and early 60's.
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Ann Arbor 51-FA
Baltimore & Ohio 801-810-FA
Central of Georgia 137-RS
Delaware & Hudson 4036-RS3
Erie 725-FA
Erie 727-FA
Freedom Train 1776-PA
Frisco 5217-FA
Great Northern 310-FA
Gulf Mobile & Ohio 738-FA
Jersey Central 1607-RS
Lackawana 906-RS
Lehigh Valley 603-PA
Lehigh Valley 601-PA
Lehigh Valley 534-FA
Louisville & Nashville 301-FA
Missouri Pacific 309-FA
Missouri Pacific 356
Monon 401628
New Haven 501-RS
NYC 1001
NYC 8227
Niagara 6000 4-8-4
Nickel Plate 190-PA
"No Name" 1627FA
Pennsylvania 9604-FA
Pennsylvania 8471-RS no photo of this
Reading 407-RS
Rock Island 160-FA
Rutland 204-RS
Santa Fe 51-PA
Seaboard 1601/1602-RS3
St. Louis So. Western 308-RS
Southern Pacific 205-PA
Southern Pacific #10 6006-PA
Southern Pacific #9 6005-PA
Southern Railway System 2119-RS3
Spokane Portland & Seattle 858-FA
Union Pacific 1630-FA
Utah 305-RSC
Western Maryland 302-FA
Brazilian 811 DL-531
India 17000
Mexico 1501 DL-702
Pakistan 2042 DL-530
Spain 1601 DL-530
M47 Patton