List of Full Color Reproductions in this Collection that are still available
Baltimore & Ohio 801/810-FA $20.00
Central of Georgia 137-RS $30.00
Delaware & Hudson 4036-RS3 $25.00
Erie 725-FA $25.00
Frisco 5217-FA $25.00
Great Northern 310-FA $45.00
Gulf Mobile & Ohio 738-FA $75.00
Lehigh Valley 603-PA $20.00
Louisville & Nashville 301-FA $25.00
Missouri Pacific 309-FA $75.00
New Haven 501-RS $30.00
Niagara 6000 4-8-4 $20.00
Pennsylvania 9604-FA $25.00
Rock Island 160-FA $25.00
Seaboard 1601/1602-RS3 $25.00
St. Louis So. Western 308-RS $75.00
Southern Pacific 205-PA $30.00
Western Maryland 302-FA $25.00
Brazilian 811 DL-531 $5.00
India 17000 $12.00
Mexico 1501 DL-702 $7.50
Pakistan 2042 DL-530 $7.50
Spain 1601 DL-530 $7.50
M47 Patton $10.00